Friday, May 1, 2009

Balance despite my disorganized living

I don't know if my friends and family can tell, but I lead a very disorganized life. I value organization, and when it's important to be, I can be organized (people have seen my travel itineraries, and as an attorney in a law firm, needless to say it was necessary and always my greatest compliment from my colleagues). But I'm just not cut out to operate on a daily schedule (waking up, sleeping, working out, blogging, etc. at the same time or order everyday), everything in my house in place, bed made, laundry folded and dishes washed and dried. I figure every day out as I go along, sometimes not washing and putting away dishes and clothes, even when I have the time and energy (poor Mark). It both suits me and bothers me at the same time.

Today is a perfect case in point. I spent all morning in bed with the laptop in front of me and the TV on, trying to remember my dream from last night, learning about how Tyra Banks became the big star she is today, updating my Netflix queue, and thinking about all the things I need to do today. I've been up since mid-morning, it's nearly mid-afternoon, and I still haven't eaten or done anything else productive.

But to make up for this egregiously lazy first half of the day, I have a jam-packed afternoon. After I eat some food, I'll put together my clothes drying rack so that I can finally try out my Laundress cashmere and wool shampoo, which will be one more environment-friendly habit I'm attempting to adopt (no more dry cleaning my sweaters, and more drying clothes in the sun in general). Exercise and tidying up (dishes and more laundry) are also goals for today, and with Mark attending a work happy hour today, I might just get it all done.

I always thought I was doomed to never find balance, because I associated balance with organization (having an hour a day to exercise, an hour a day to read, eating 3 square meals a day at times that make sense, taking a vacation or two every year, getting 7-8 hours of sleep every night), but I guess this is my own version of balance. It's not for everyone, but I suppose it suits me.

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