Monday, August 3, 2009

Summer and Europe

Summer always makes me yearn for Europe, even though I've never been to Europe in the summer. It is because everyone else seems to go to Europe in summer, and so I come across numerous travel articles and television shows about European destinations.

Indeed, every travel magazine, section of the newspaper, and television network, will re-do Paris a dozen ways or more every summer. In the New York Times not only does their travel section contain a "Europe for Every Budget" slideshow feature and a "Frugal Paris" article/slideshow among other travel section gems, but the summer Paris fever has bled into their art and movie sections as well. There are at least three recent articles or columns on Julia Child and the new movie "Julie & Julia," and a featured column in the art section on the viewing habits of today's museum-goers, focusing on the columnist's recent experience at the Louvre.

I haven't been to Paris in six years, but I feel the tug every summer, knowing full well that summer is the worst time to go. But they sure make it seem inviting, don't they?

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