Monday, January 11, 2010

FB Acct Disabled Day 2: Status Updates

January 11, 2010:

12:45am C. J. Alice Chuang just posted holiday pictures and videos to her new Picasa account, and checked out The Chen Den for the first time in months.

1:45am C. J. Alice Chuang is convinced that Minesweeper on hard is impossible on a laptop.

2:15pm C. J. Alice Chuang watched Leap Year and ate lunch with Wendy.

2:40pm C. J. Alice Chuang just heard Pearl Jam's new song "Just Breathe", realized how much she missed Eddie Vedder's voice, then got ecstatic that Pearl Jam is back (with sort of a different sound)! She was appalled at the family Christmas party to learn that her younger cousins had no idea who they were (Alive came up on the Rock Band challenge).

3:35pm C. J. Alice Chuang has a lot of information from John about cruises to Alaska to work through.

5:40pm C. J. Alice Chuang heard "Hey, Soul Sister" on her way to The Dailey Method, and again on her way back

5:45pm C. J. Alice Chuang doesn't understand why Facebook isn't getting back to her. Is no one working there today, or is the account just a joke?!?

5:52pm C. J. Alice Chuang's plan: shower, Gilmore Girls, dinner, other TV and sleep

8:37pm C. J. Alice Chuang laughed her ass off for the second time today.

11:28pm C. J. Alice Chuang is signing off for the night.

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